RPS Susan Bradshaw Composers' Fund

We are pleased to be the home for a fund dedicated to the widely-respected pianist, teacher and writer on music who died in 2005.

The Susan Bradshaw Composers' Fund was established with donations from friends and family, led by her close friend, the composer Brian Elias. The purpose of the fund is to support composers and also young musicians wishing perform works by living composers.

The fund is relatively small and principally plays a vital part in facilitating the opportunities we grant through the RPS Composers programme, supporting those in the early stages of their careers. We draw on it from year to year in consultation with an external advisory group including some of Susan's friends who initiated it. Among those the fund has supported are composers Cheryl Frances-Hoad, Charlotte Bray, Nicholas Morrish, Darren Bloom, Edmund Hunt, Bethan Morgan-Williams, Daniel Fardon, Lillie Harris, Claire Roberts, Joel Jarventausta, Alex Paxton, Ayanna Witter-Johnson, Jonathan Woolgar, Alex Ho and Sarah Lianne Lewis. Occasionally, we have found scope with the fund to support other initiatives particularly of interest to its advisory group, including the forthcoming NMC Recordings album of works by the late Anthony Payne who was himself a good friend of Susan, and an initial advisor to the fund.


The RPS has a long tradition of supporting composers, dating back to Beethoven. We are only able to keep helping composers thanks to a generous family of individual donors, trusts and corporate sponsors, and initiatives such as the RPS Susan Bradshaw Composers’ Fund. If you would like to help us to bring more new music to life, please do contact us on admin@philharmonicsociety.uk.

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