RPS Composers: application form

Please ensure you have read the Application Guidelines before completing the application form below.

In spending time on your application, we advise you save your answers (particularly for the questions requiring longer answers) in a Word document or equivalent on your computer in case of any technical glitch. You may choose to answer longer questions in filmed format if you prefer, as detailed in the Application Guidelines.

Your application will only be submitted once you have completed all obligatory fields in the form and clicked the ‘Submit' button at the end.

Personal details

Please provide a phone number we can reach you on should we need to contact you about your application.
UK Postal Address
Please confirm: 

Application Questions

Have you applied to the RPS Composers programme before? 

We're always keen to hear from those who have not considered applying to the RPS before, but are equally pleased to hear from those who have and read about what they have achieved recently. Tip: if you have applied before, in your responses to the following questions, please take time to tell us about your progress and what you have sought to do creatively since you last applied.

The next three questions may be answered in filmed format if you prefer. This can be submitted as link to one short film in which all of these points are addressed, that does not exceed 6 minutes in duration. Please paste a link to the film in the box indicated below.

Unless you are submitting this application on behalf of another person, please write in the first person. Your answer should include reference to any study, significant performances (here, please specify if any were gained through application to a scheme/programme), and other musical activities you may have alongside composing such as performing, teaching, arranging, leading/contributing to workshops. Tip: Wherever possible, write sentences in the first person and be specific. Try to avoid copying a generic biography with a list of collaborators. It helps our selection panel to have some context about how you have worked with the artists or initiatives you mention.

Tip: what practical examples can you give of how your work does this?

Tip: pick one or two vocational examples that you’d particularly like to address in the year ahead. Don’t try to second-guess what you think we want to hear! We’re simply keen to understand what you most need support with.


Please read our Application Guidelines (link at the top of this page) before providing details of your two works.
For 'Title of Work', please specify which movement if you are not submitting the full work.
For 'Duration of Work', please specify to the nearest minute. Please write the duration as 12m or 12:00, not 12'34" as this results in formatting issues when the form is submitted.
For 'Link to Work', please also include a password if applicable.
Please also be sure to upload your scores here by the closing date of 11am on Wednesday 20 March 2024, labelling your files as follows: Forename Surname - Title of work
Please confirm: 
Do you wish to receive feedback when you are notified of the outcome of your application?  

Central to the RPS’s charitable objects is the aim to encourage creativity in music and give recognition to excellence in music and musicians. In doing this, we strive to be inclusive, reflecting the wide range of people who make classical music in the UK’s diverse, multicultural society.

Across a range of our activities at the RPS, we invite participants and applicants to complete some standard inclusivity monitoring questions as recommended by ACAS in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. The following questions are not obligatory, and you may complete as many or as few as you wish. Taking a moment to do this is so helpful to us all collectively in classical music. Thank you for playing your part in this.

You can read more about our Inclusivity Policy on our website.

Please select the ethnic group that you feel best represents you from the following. If you click the last option, we invite you to provide more information in the text box below.

Do you consider yourself to be disabled or have a health condition?
There will be an opportunity to let us know about any access needs you may have at a later stage. If you wish to be in touch with us now about any matters relating to access, please contact us.

Please select the religion or belief that you feel best represents you from the following. If you click the last option, we invite you to provide more information in the text box below.

What is your age?

Please carefully read through your application and check you have filled in all fields correctly before submitting. When you click submit, a successful submission will take you to a page confirming this.