Blasio Kavuma
Blasio is one of eight composers selected for a place on the 2023 RPS Composers programme. This will culminate in him writing a new piece, commissioned by the RPS, for Manchester Camerata.
On this page, Blasio introduces himself in his own words, and shares links to his music, his website, and his social media platforms. We warmly invite programmers and commissioners to take a closer look at Blasio’s work, and please be in touch with us if you would like to connect with him.
About Blasio
'My journey as a composer has been unusual. I was drawn to music from day one, and the music constantly playing from my father’s record collection became a part of my psyche. After studying music and then composition at university, I spent some wilderness years exploring different career paths, but always circled back to composition. The first step came when Sound & Music invited me on to their Pathways programme. I then become an associate composer with Nonclassical, and started doing commissions for the likes of City of London Festival (1987 featuring Jess Nash), Mercury Theatre (Antigone with Dawn Walton) and Southbank Sinfonia (Si(g)nification for Orchestra).
But what has defined my musical experience more than anything is its promiscuity. My classical training instructed me in the love and appreciation of the classical tradition. Alongside this however is a deeply held love for the music of Africa and its diaspora. I’ve collaborated with artists from jungle/EDM, gospel and jazz, as well as hip-hop dance, black theatre and animation. My aim now is to continue working with musicians and artists from diverse mediums, whilst exploring how to unite Afro-diasporic and Western classical musical traditions.'
- Commissioned to write five songs for Dawn Walton’s production of Antigone, 2021.
- Nonclassical Associate Composer 2019-2021.
- Collaborated with DJs and artists from Jungle and EDM for a gig in 2019; wrote and performed Soundclash for cello, tape and loop station with cellist Cecilia Bignall.
- Winner of George Butterworth Award 2019 for dance collaboration SPIRIT LEVEL.
Find out more
If you are interested in finding out more about Blasio, hearing and and keeping up to date with his work, take a look at his website and social media below:
The 2023 RPS Composers programme is made possible with support from RPS Members, Delius Trust, The Fidelio Charitable Trust, PRS Foundation's The Open Fund, the Radcliffe Trust, the Susan Bradshaw Composers' Fund, the Vaughan Williams Foundation and several anonymous donors.