
Across a range of our activities at the Royal Philharmonic Society, we invite participants and applicants to complete some standard inclusivity monitoring questions as recommended by ACAS in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. The answers you give are confidential and reviewed separately from any application you may be making, or in connection to your involvement in any of our activities. You may complete as many or as few questions as you wish.

Taking a moment to do this is so helpful to us all collectively in classical music. We are committed to working with colleagues sector-wide to ensure we are representing excellence, creativity and innovation in music-making within a diverse, multicultural society. Thank you for playing your part in this.

You can read more about our Inclusivity Policy on our website.

Please select which activity you are currently engaging with at the RPS 

Please select the ethnic group that you feel best represents you from the following. If you click the last option, we invite you to provide more information in the text box below.

Do you consider yourself to be disabled or have a health condition?
If you are applying for one of our programmes, or to work with the RPS, there will be an opportunity to let us know about any access needs you may have at a later stage. If you wish to be in touch with us now about any matters relating to access, please contact us.

Please select the religion or belief that you feel best represents you from the following. If you click the last option, we invite you to provide more information in the text box below.

What is your age?

Thank you so much for your help.