NMC Recordings awarded RPS Leslie Boosey Award

06 Jun 2015

NMC Recordings has been awarded the prestigious RPS Leslie Boosey Award for its outstanding contribution to the furthering of contemporary music in Britain. It is the first time that the award has been made to an organisation, rather than an individual.

The award, a magnificent bronze eagle by sculptor Dame Elisabeth Frink, was presented to Anne Rushton, Executive Director of NMC, by Master of the Queen’s Music, Judith Weir, on stage at a Wigmore Hall concert on 6 June 2015. The concert reflected the artistic partnership NMC has with both Wigmore Hall and Aurora Orchestra and featured the premiere of a new work by Judith Weir, whose work NMC has long championed. Read more about NMC's work here.

The Leslie Boosey Award was set up by the Royal Philharmonic Society and the Performing Rights Society in memory of music publisher Leslie Boosey (1887-1979). It is awarded every two years. The award is primarily given to those who work ‘back stage’. Programmers, publishers, broadcasters, administrators, educationalists and representatives from the recording industry have all received the award since its inception in 1980, with recipients including Amelia Freedman, Bill Colleran, Gillian Moore, Stephen and Jackie Newbould of Birmingham Contemporary Music Group and most recently, Sally Groves, former Creative Director of Schott Music Limited.

In its citation, the RPS says:

“We are delighted to present this year’s RPS Leslie Boosey Award to NMC Recordings. NMC is a true champion of British Contemporary Music, and over a quarter of a century has built an extraordinary recording catalogue embracing composers at all stages of their careers, often working with them well before any commercial company might consider them a commercial proposition: 3000+ tracks released, 300 different British Composers represented and over 1.5 million downloads and streams – with no title ever deleted from the NMC catalogue.

NMC is unique for its vision: to provide a permanent legacy of our time to delight, inform and challenge future generations, with composers at its centre. It’s unique for its people: for the determination of founder Colin Matthews and his conviction that a contemporary recording label could inspire – and indeed flourish – in the 21st century, and for the generosity and hard work of all the trustees, dedicated team, volunteer advisors, partner organisations, supporters, engineers and musicians who make it all happen. And it is indispensable to curious listeners who share in this incredible creative wealth. NMC has opened our ears and changed how and what we listen to. NMC we salute you. Here’s to the next 25 years.”

Read more about the RPS Leslie Boosey Award
Past recipients
Download the press release

6 June 2015