The Salomon Prize - Winner Announced

09 Sep 2011

We’re delighted to announce that the first recipient of the Salomon Prize is Hallé double bassist, Beatrice Schirmer. She was presented with her award at the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, on Wednesday 9 November.

Named after one of the founding members of the Philharmonic Society, the £1000 Salomon Prize was launched this year by the Royal Philharmonic Society and the Association of British Orchestras, to celebrate orchestral players - the unsung heroes that make our orchestras great.

Beatrice Schirmer, double bassist at the Hallé, is the first recipient of this new prize which is to be awarded each year to a musician who has shown commitment and dedication above and beyond the expected service asked by their orchestra.

Beatrice was nominated by her fellow musicians and the Hallé’s management, not just for her considerable skills as a member of the orchestra’s double bass section, but for the extraordinary range of other activities which she has embraced and enriched in almost two decades with the orchestra.

The Salomon Prize citation from the RPS and ABO:

“Double bassist Beatrice Schirmer has been at the heart of the life of the Hallé for nearly twenty years. She has always given her time freely to support the individual players as well as the orchestral community. As a union representative she ensures clear communication between the players and administration as well as making sure she is always across any current issues which affect the rchestra. Beatrice is a founder member of the new music ensemble ALEAtronic and has an indefatigable passion and dedication for the Hallé’s education work. This was highlighted in last season’s community project in Clowne, Derbyshire for which she produced a full musical score as well as helping with technical and sound production. Beatrice Schirmer is an asset to her colleagues, to the Hallé and the profession. It is with great pleasure that the first Salomon Prize is awarded to her.”

Many thanks to David and Selina Marks for supporting the award.

More information about the Salomon Prize

Download the press release

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