Donate through CAF America

If you pay tax in the USA and would like to make tax-effective donation to the Royal Philharmonic Society, you can do so easily through CAF America.

While we would be delighted to receive any donations sent directly, we are not authorised to give you the necessary receipt to claim your tax deduction, therefore American citizens can make a donation to the Society through CAF America. This is an independent US 501(c)(3) public charity whose mission is to increase the flow of charitable funds outside the US. CAF charges a modest administration fee of 8% for this service.

The Royal Philharmonic Society is a registered UK charity (no. 213693) but is not yet on CAF America's database. You therefore simply need to manually enter our charity's name and address in your online donation form.

Our full name and address is:
Royal Philharmonic Society, 48 Great Marlborough Street, London, W1F 7BB, United Kingdom

To donate in this way, please click the button below:

To make a donation directly through our website instead, please click here. (Please note that if you pay tax outside of the UK, then this will not be counted as a 'tax efficient' donation.)