If you have enjoyed a lifetime’s pleasure from music, you may like to consider making a gift in your Will to the Royal Philharmonic Society.
In making such a gesture, you can trust in the Royal Philharmonic Society's remarkable history. The Society was created in 1813 by a group of musicians who wanted to share classical music with a wider public. Their regular performances attracted world-class artists including Mendelssohn and Wagner, helping to establish Britain as an essential destination for music, and they commissioned exhilarating new music for an eager public to hear - most famously, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. In its founding gesture, the Society created a repertory and a culture that were set to last.
To this day, the RPS tirelessly supports and champions musicians who – like our founders – strive to enrich society with all that they do. Through grants, commissions, mentoring, courses and performance opportunities, we help promising performers and composers when they can often struggle, taking their first professional steps and finding their voice. We set them on a path to making great music, inspiring many, for decades to come. Investing in them means investing in a long, prosperous future for classical music.
Your gift does not have to be large: even a small amount can make all the difference. Some people leave the RPS specific gifts of money, while others choose to leave us the residue of their estate once family and friends have been looked after.
If you decide you would like to include a legacy to the RPS in your Will, a simple addition or codicil can be added. We can offer advice on how to word your bequest so your intentions are honoured but always advise that you seek the specialist advice of a solicitor when creating or updating your Will. Making such provision to a registered charity like the Royal Philharmonic Society can also bring tax benefits – a solicitor can tell you more about this.
Naturally, you do not need to tell us if you intend to make a gift of this nature to the RPS but sharing the news with us gives us the opportunity to acknowledge your gesture and ensure you enjoy a special association with the Society during your lifetime.
Thank you for taking the time to consider a gift like this.
You are warmly welcome to talk about it to James Murphy, our Chief Executive or Alison Pavier, our Development Consultant. Please call us on 020 7287 0019.